

capa: Sizimele, Zanele Montle (2021)

フォロー数:121 フォロワー数:16345

✨Indicação de artista contemporâneo do dia: Bokani (Zimbábue/Inglaterra)

72 338

Moufouli Bello (Benim)

1) Adebisi, 2020
2) The Perks of Being, 2020

22 173

Beatrice Wanjiku (Quênia, 1978)

1) A Fragment of Ourselves Returning VI, 2018
2) Let Slip the Reins V, 2018

14 60

Robert Saidi (Congo, 1936)

1. Under the Palm Tree, 1995
2. Joy, 1995

34 217

Tesfaye Urgessa (Etiópia, 1983)

1 - Chasing after the wind 1 (2020)
2 - Don’t overlook me 6 (2020)

45 242

Cheikhou Ba (Senegal, 1971)

1. Strong will continue, 2019
2. The hero, 2019

7 37

Cassi Namoda (Moçambique, 1988)

1. Rua Araujo, and Three Maria’s nightly bread, 2020
2. The Dance of Life in Nhamacurra, 2020

26 181

Mimouni El Houssaine (Marrocos, 1957)

1. Emergence, 2013
2. Passage solaire, 2012

16 165

Tizta Berhanu (Etiópia, 1991)

1. Worry, 2020
2. Fortitude, 2020

58 315