Despuntater | ETSY open ✨さんのプロフィール画像

Despuntater | ETSY open ✨さんのイラストまとめ

Herru! I love making bright colorful illustrations that make people smile! 🛒……

フォロー数:108 フォロワー数:8352

.._(´ཀ`」 ∠) _. Tired but fanart is life.

84 577

Roselia x Genshin Impact

I won't be able to post for a while, so to make up for it-- here is a compilation of one band done! 🙇‍♀️💜

1213 3581

"Whose the best maid in the world? It's Tohru!"

56 258

Bandori x Genshin Impact: Wakamiya Eve (Ayaka)🌸

Been wanting to draw her for a long while now but I just couldn't think of a pose for her, Hope it came out okay though! 🙇‍♀️

910 2624

Udagawa Tomoe (Beidou)

First time I heard Beidou's voice, I knew it had to be Tomoe!

703 2253

Thank you for always putting a smile on my face with your dance videos! (ˊᗜˋ )

133 933

Tsurumaki Kokoro (Klee)

People been asking for a remake from the last chibi art I made of her--and here it is! 😊

523 1478

Happy Birthday, Hiromachi Nanami! 💖

From the First Art to Recent art of you-- and hopefully more!

162 693