

Random dude on the internet, read all of jojo's, Pokemon nuzlocke enjoyer, draws once every full moon

フォロー数:5 フォロワー数:1

soggy cereal, also this emote is cursed

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glad to hear you're doing better, can't wait for next stream

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Let's hope you get better soon, we miss the streams too, with all the scuff included

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Glad to hear everything went well, don't force your recovery though, take your time until you feel better

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This is what happens when you gamble away your money and can't afford to pay the internet

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I've seen a lot of monster girls/boys but I don't think I've ever seen a meerkat so I did it myself

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glad to hear you're doing better

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it's ok, taking care of yourself is more important

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It was really nice to just talk and chill, now we can watch that 3 hour Titanic theory video

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