

Tree Faces xrp.cafe/collection/tre…
Creator of Algogods asalytic.app/collection/alg…
Discord discord.gg/paZBXD6GaQ

フォロー数:7304 フォロワー数:9022

I make heaps of different artworks for my AlgoGods collection😁

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I make algogods and working on a collection completely drawn with two hands simultaneously

3 19

Thanks 😁 some of my other stuff. But yeah nice to meet you! Hopr your algo journey goes well

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Auction will end tomorrow 😁💕 https://t.co/rmaouefJct

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Just thought I'd share some of my latest nfts I made for algogods if youre getting into algo nfts 😀

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I'd have to mention my own lol I make art in 3d and hand drawn stuff for my AlgoGods Collection

1 9

Just thought I'd say hey, I'm the creator of AlgoGods. Good to see a new face here

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