

creator of worlds ceo @cringeworldwide
mgmt for @kuru8k

フォロー数:1336 フォロワー数:22354

swords of revealing light

243 2097

"Synapses Of A Fallen Angel"

client work :3

9 158

commission vs the clients doodle

149 2152

cool lil video I made cause I didn’t know what color to make it at first song is from my queen yeule - pocky boy

27 141

digital ascension

94 546

work i did for my homies album and the singles leading up to it! hoping I can get more opportunities to do full roll outs like this I enjoyed building up the concept and tying all of the covers together very epic yams moment

10 77

i beat dragon quest 11 yesterday so here is a metal slime knight i made to commemorate my W

4 68

i did the sailor moon thing

10 120

we are all just puppets

9 91