

フォロー数:430 フォロワー数:1848

some sketches of prehistoric critter Cynognathus

34 121

mspaint sketches, the title character from Mukamuka Paradise (which I shall forever wish was available in English)

18 57

bug critter idea I jotted down quickly one night, based on a european rhinoceros beetle

6 32

warmed up with a quick bust of one of my dragons on FR :3

14 58

dragon head done to stretch my drawing muscles, art block has me by the throat lately :b

76 359

my half of a sketchpage trade with !

16 61

Some random studies I never posted! The last year wasn't tooooo great for art for me but I did make a point of referencing from photos more

16 76

figured I'd post one last drawing for the year! some aimless sketching from the other night that turned out to be a fluffy fox

20 70