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フォロー数:537 フォロワー数:386

Though New Hebijo design is Germanic, Ryoubi in particular is a bit more Axis. https://t.co/fty4BmkJUY

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Mirai demonstrating her bird handling skills.

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べべたんがくまモンの妹ですか?(Is Bebetan Kumomon's little sister?)

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I love Variable Geo! https://t.co/YNqMydVv6F Especially the PC9800 version!

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Hibari has been kidnapped by ninjas. Are you a bad enough squid to rescue Hibari? 閃乱カグラ × ドラゴンニンジャ

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Kagura as Leo is nearly spot on. Here's hoping the next game has more New Wave chara.

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