🔞 NSFW klance galore 🔞 👉🏽👌🏻

フォロー数:82 フォロワー数:3494

sometimes i forget keith canonically sleeping in boxers ... cute detail

14 213

look at this stuff, isn’t it neat, wouldn’t you think my collection’s complete

108 540

Keith: emo stands for “eat me out”


92 491

klance making out in bed with their clothes still on (Keith in boxers, Lance in sweats) but as they’re grinding against each other L mimics the motion of thrusting as if he’s balls deep while already being in between K’s legs, making him wrap his thighs around L even tighter

59 298

LOOOL i love how canonically horny lance is

1) “activated my particle barrier” boner joke

2) [gets cuffed] “woah.. this is kinda- 😳”

3) mistook an octopus for an exotic dancer and went “woah...”

190 756

lance’s pov when he’s about to shoot his load on keith’s face

26 221