

Preferred Bronouns: This-guy/Dude/Grand-Duke-Ballerpants/Princess

フォロー数:98 フォロワー数:21

Have a DragonBard raised by dwarves.

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Time for some true gender equality! Doesn't matter if you're Male, Female, Trans, Agender, Gender Fluid, Non-Binary, whatever. It's crucial for warriors of all races, creeds and origins to know how to properly gird their loins. Whether you wear a Robe, a Dress or a Tunic.

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Me, standing there in my robe with incense and candles burning over an altar to Cerrunos: “Ummmm, and?”

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Getting in on with art from . Meet Vordaal Stormpint, adopted son of Thane Durnan Stormpint of the Kharan’dum dwarves. His egg was found. By the thane while investigating a reported Orc ambush of a trade caravan.

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Friend: "I love goblins!"

Me: "Ummmm..."

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