

Ditto Enthusiast | ENVtuber · ◡ ·❀
🦊❄️Arctic Fox of Fortune 🇭🇰🇯🇵

フォロー数:328 フォロワー数:670

streamer luck isn't real

1 13

You guys really made this year amazing thank you for joining me as always. I'm definitely crying.
Shoutout to Check, Lirie, Forte and Gomu for dropping by to just chat with me so I didn't go insane💜Oyasumori see you Wed for a little genshin gacha then mindless Lost Ark grind?

1 19

I don't know what I'm doing I just want to hangout xD Love to see you whenever you'd like to drop in to the Parlor
Thank you for an amazing year~ -Mori & Daan

🎁: from @/MrPinkPopo
🎨: @/ist_lei_mikan

18 39

IRL vs Online
"Is that for me?"-a potato vs "Will you accept this small offering?"-a beautiful fox LOL💜

1 18

Thank you for supporting my addiction!!! WE GOT A CUTE HAIRCUT (Lookin so cute now!!), thank you @/lirielirie and @/jwikkoli for the raids!!!
I'll see you Tues for the Kaosu Crew Collab!!!
Also a Happy Lunar New Year to those celebrating~ 🐯🧧✨

1 7

Now... how does this game work... You just take cute pictures right? WHO WE PICKING?! Starting early cause... I have no self control?

1 10

So excited Avalonnnn~ 🥳
I'm Mori, an arctic fox from Toaru Machi. I own and run a tea Parlor with my enchanted egg tart Daan, play games (GACHA) and draw on the side. I love dittos and relaxing~

0 2

Lilac and white (and a splash of gold)

❄️Post your png and create a team of 3 pokemon from your colour palette🦊(as much as I wanted to put ditto · ◡ ·✼)


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