Laila Milevskiさんのプロフィール画像

Laila Milevskiさんのイラストまとめ

News Designer and Illustrator @baltimorebanner. Comic artist in Baltimore on Piscataway land. 🇱🇻 🇺🇸
Find me on Insta: lailamilevski

フォロー数:752 フォロワー数:493

On the other hand, roads that include pedestrian islands, concrete medians, marked crosswalks and bicycle infrastructure force drivers to slow down.

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On some wide, multilane stretches of road, drivers encounter fewer “calming measures,” such as pedestrian islands or concrete medians.

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That’s different from a two-lane road like this one, where a tighter street will cause the driver to slow down.

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The way a road is designed can influence how people will drive on it, including how fast they will go. A four-lane road like this one allows higher traffic volumes and speeds.

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Earlier this week and published a story about racial disparities in camera ticketing in Chicago. I’d like to share how–and why–I made the illustrations for it.

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