Andy Colatronさんのプロフィール画像

Andy Colatronさんのイラストまとめ

The King of Digbeth • Takes MEH photos • Serial RTer • Graff Lover • Chippy Teas • Friend to all doggos • 273rd Greatest Masher-Upper ever • Flip Flop Fanatic

フォロー数:2399 フォロワー数:2319

Woohoo; my second print order of the year, I'm on a roll!

5 (five!) prints on order for my mate Jan, incl. these 4 (a not so well known writer's spot I'd been meaning to hit for a while). Well worth destroying my jeans for :)

Be sure to give a follow - she's fab!

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I still find it utterly bonkers that little old no-one me can run in to the man like Gent on my stroll home from work, cross the city to scope out a potential job with him and set the world to rights with a darned good chinwag.

Such a humble and lovely dude 🙏🏼

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Renowned art critic Andrew Graham-Dixon with Birmingham/Digbeth's own legend

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