

en/kr • she/her • multi-fandom 잡덕 • 🦦💜🦦 • 🍇🧡🤍🖤💚🍇 • header by @fishingforyuu

フォロー数:74 フォロワー数:207

It's been so long since I've drawn I have no idea what I'm doing :(
Which I forgot to post on twitter but sent a while ago on fb
I literally know nothing about mxtx
Thanks for accepting such a shit drawing
And once I figure out how to draw again I'll do a proper one

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요즘 악엔죽 다시 정주행 중이라 채색 한번 해봤어요 (물론 색 고르는 건 진짜 너무 못해서 무트님께서 작업하신 커버에 있는 색감 그대로 따왔어요 ㅠㅠ 색이 너무 예뻐요 진짜)

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Reupload bc I noticed a mistake ugh
Your resident fishing maniac

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Alston Bops Corin
//Forest gnome fighter
//Fishing maniac
//Member of the Hat Appreciation Society of Warriors, Fishermen and Blue aka the Hat Society
//Compact and a n g e r y
//Chaotic neutral (party members think borderline evil)

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요즘에 통 그림 그리기도 싫고 완전 슬럼프에 빠졌는데 아찌님의 자캐 보고 그림 그리고싶은 의욕이 활활🔥🔥🔥
감히 한번 그려봤습니다 ㅠㅠ
I was in an art slump but seeing this OC by made me want to draw them so much

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A very late Christmas gift for
I did another two so far for other friends but imma redraw bc I'm hella unhappy with them

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이거라도 해야 그림그리는 걸 잊지 않을 거 같아서..;;
I've been trying to motivate myself to draw more by doing small sketches
Which resulted in these dumb looking things
Dad: what are these colourful meatbuns?

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I finally finished Shiraishi last night T_T
His hair was such a struggle I procrastinated for a solid 6 months;; I'll learn one day

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요괴자캐 만들었어요ㅋㅋㅋ 이름은 신
Introducing my demon OC Shin

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