

Newspaper Rockstar
This is account of "JILL".
"Jelly Blood" Merch Link:

フォロー数:55 フォロワー数:639

Nancy the Witch (Nine the Phantom) from Blazblue

49 225

Archie (Hibiki Kohaku) from Blazblue

6 28

Mr. Awesome (Azrael) from Blazblue

53 212

Ashley (Mu-12) from Blazblue

16 65

Hacker (Hazama) from Blazblue

22 69

Ballerina (Amane) from Blazblue

17 44

Samuel (Hakumen) from Blazblue

21 62

Hufflepuff (Celica A. Mercury) from Blazblue

15 36

Little Girl (Platinum the Trinity) from Blazblue

67 236

New Kid (Nu-13) from Blazblue

9 37