

He-She-They ,Bi, VA in training, if you have any work feel free to hit me up! SFW/NSFW sometimes

フォロー数:2025 フォロワー数:482

Gouache Sonic's and one where Tail's tricks Sonic into going to a anime convention

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Thank you for waking me up.

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10 more hours until Sonic Frontiers causes a ripple in the Sonic Fandom and will get people to talk about Sonic’s left nipple clipping into his chest

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That one pea that you mixed in with the potatoes at 4th grade came back with vengeance

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I need to start archiving some of my videos before they get lost in twitter , thanks for enjoying my Steven Universe one, theres a tooon more where that came from 🥰

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Just want the same team that animated the Sonic Unleashed opening cutscene to do this one.

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