

Doodles and stuff I like, I guess (18+) | mainly BLmatsu, ZoSan and Convin | Indo/Eng | art dump acc @dokterdog

フォロー数:101 フォロワー数:78

he'll never let you down

3 13

i drew zoro for once! gotta love the angry moss man 😌

1 1

shitty curly-brows 😩❤️

2 3

wanna try drawing backgrounds more, but also wanted to draw oso

3 14

kara witnessing The Rising

2 4

a juicy boy 😌👏
outfit based on a friend's clothes

4 20

intense expressions on karamatsu are really fun haha

5 35

OKAY it's been 84 years, so here he is lol >:D
"Hey there, my name Is Badboi, cutie! >:3" 😂

6 23