

ceo of canon zutara and yoohankim . cyno & lyney defense squad MIGUEL O HARA FANS DNI!!!

フォロー数:72 フォロワー数:12331
# real


125 789

I’m west African and iansan is based off a deity from my culture so natlan isnt just meso america. It’s west Africa + Spain + Latin America like sumeru is South Asia, west Asia and North America

0 18

Naur I’m actually offended atp like at least try and make it different 😭😭😭

0 2

i don’t read this manga but they’re both so fine like woah

21 139

Let’s talk about the given couples

0 29

Yana toboso really created the prettiest man ever when she made leona

5 23

Maki cover look good af

8 83

the only manga I’ve ever quit solely bc the main character pissed me off so bad

2 90