


フォロー数:866 フォロワー数:2222

- very romantic ???? weirdos
- everyone likes you unless you give them a reason not to
- you guys treat everyone the exact same which is cute
- can’t trust you at all no matter what
- can never make up their mind at all
- spend money on stupid shit, like STOP

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- so fucking funny we don’t deserve you all
- very sensitive
- cry too much
- very creative, u guys rlly can come up with anything
- love VERY hard
- moody and sometimes clingy but by far one of the best signs

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- you guys put other ppl before yourselves n that’s sweet but stop
- very patient for some reason
- won’t give up on anything easily
- can go thru phases of being lazy
- very jealous
- try too hard to look a certain way online

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