

Animation Major//Freelance Illustrator//God's Pickney.
Please credit me when reposting.

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I did the where you design a character based on three emojis. I used the emojis:💀🤘🔉. I think I'll call her Ruby💫⚘

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Some character concepts for my upcoming final year project. Flexing those expression muscles from now. Her design is definitely subject to change but I like how she looks so far!

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The various responses to this pandemic have been.. interesting to say the least but in light of the recent covid-19 spike please do your part in following the social distancing guidelines. Stay safe, stay healthy, wear your mask (above the nose)💜

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After watching Beyonce's visual album I was heavily inspired by the fashion! So many beautiful, eye catching pieces! So I wanted to do a mini series recreating the ones I really loved~
Presenting Part 1: in custom Timothy White.

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