

Uma Musume and JRPG (mainly Gust) fan. Tweets about the things I love including anime-manga, games, music, and shipping | ❗not spoiler-free

フォロー数:606 フォロワー数:356

Arimura Kasumi as Yukino Bijin

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Krystal f(x) as Gold City

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Evan Rachel Wood as Fuji Kiseki

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Keira Knightley as TM Opera O

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Scarlett Johanson as Air Groove

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Britney Spears as Taiki Shuttle

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Katie McGrath as Narita Brian

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Isyana Sarasvati as Mejiro Dober

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Pevita Pearce as Maruzensky

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Millie Bobby Brown as Toukai Teio

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