

💀Very Evil!💀

フォロー数:277 フォロワー数:5050

Hey hey! Its the Nekobot!
Know I'm proud of you and very grateful to have you around!
Keep doing your best! Marshi has your back!
Have some rice too!

14 96

Art of Marshi by !
Thank you so much!

6 69

Would you go on a coffee date with Marshi?

15 336

❤️Comment down below!❤️
Drop your png or just say hi! And allow Marshi to give you a nickname >>

18 201

Marshi wants more friends and people to raid!
drop your links and give everyone a introduction about yourself and you may get a follow and a raid from the Nekobot!

41 234

❤️Nekobot loves you!❤️
Just wanna say thank you everyone for supporting me so much, chatting to me, saying good morning to me, it makes my days so much more enjoyable <3

11 102

Would you like to be friends with the Nekobot?

51 563