

oi eu sou o pepi. as vezes eu desenho e faço umas lives (ele/dele) (he/him)

(ig:@/notpepiart) (priv:@notdorkpepi)

フォロー数:1075 フォロワー数:490

ah yes they get along very well, mhm totally,, look at them

7 23

tava cavando nos meus arquivos e achei esse desenho de 2021, toma

capivara com laranjinha na cabeca

0 13

first year of high school getting bad grades very depressed, didnt know what sleep was// pretty much same thing with college, sleeping a lot now but most importantly,,,, with✨s t y l e✨

0 4

ratio + já que tá todo mundo postando, oi eu sou o pepi faço arte e comission tbm segue aí :)

0 3

its just a vanilla cookie redraw (butbetterbcitswittu) but it was fun drawing it anyways :D

0 4

wittu but cookie run

i am very addicted to this game now, thanks wittu

3 31

quando n da pra ver a cabeça inteira de uma aranha parece que elas têm olhinhos normais

1 17