

27 yrs

フォロー数:844 フォロワー数:552

If I had too write an evil Superman elseworld. I'd write return to Zurr-En-Arrh. Superman is turned evil through mind control Batman teleports him to Zurr-En-Arrh where the fight on equal terms Batman beats evoil out of him Ends when Superman says:
"I knew you'd save me."

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Now, I'm sure if you've seen nothing else from this series. You have at least seen this one. Where Aunt May encounters the little girl at Parker's funeral. Which, it's a really good moment. So I'm not gonna rag on it to much.

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Popeye appears in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen in the Nemo series. But what passes me off is Moore didn't have Hugo mention having a Spinach eating Grandson.

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Okay hear me out. Wakanda gets transported to Third Earth by Mummra. He then tell T'Challa only way he can return to his Earth is by defeating Lion-O and the Thundercats.

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Also we get Monica being told it's okay to call someone Black since Africa American doesn't really apply to British guy.
Also, Cash arrives. With women. To a battlefield.

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We begin to get some leads though as apparently all the members are in a biker club. Also get some biblical illusions. We also meet this mysterioys guy at an airport who is totally not Mephisto and is in no way devil-like.

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Frank wants nothing to do with this, he thinks they pribably deserve it. However he doesn't really get the choice here.
Yes, Monica is the worst, Ultimate Widow's tend to be horrible.

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We begin chapter three with Fury filling everybody in one what they're dealing with. Apparently Ultimate Ghost Rider has been picking off rich people, and the White House wants it dealt with.

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Buckle the fuck up.

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Fight gets fucking cool with Cash jumping up and slamming a fucking in-air plane onto Rhodes. They can only stop him by blackmailing Williams by saying they'll tell his family he's alive.

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