

Fandom Account, I talk about Stephanie Brown a lot

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Can DC stop reminding me that the Batfamily has basically fallen apart

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Bruce: All my bleeding is internal! That's where the blood's supposed to be!

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Okay so Bruce and Selina haven't broken up Penguin's just basically kidnapped her

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Yes you did push everyone away Bruce, Dick's gotten mind controlled, you messed up so badly with Jason, Tim grabbed Steph & got the hell out of Gotham before things even started falling apart this badly, Damian is having a breakdown & you're pushing Cass & Duke away in Outsiders

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I can't tell if Kings BatCat nickname thing is just going to become a thing now or if Tynion is making fun of King

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Oh hey Tam! Is she all better from everything that happened to her in the Batwing comic or is Tynion straight up just ignoring and not acknowledging those events?

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DC loves mentioning Ducard but we haven't gotten to see Maya in years

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Lincoln March!? Steph better be the one to beat him up I swear to god this man slit her dad's throat DC never lets Steph out of her dads shadow except when it involves her dads murderer

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Bruce for the love of god learn to communicate

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