

Fandom Account, I talk about Stephanie Brown a lot

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Something I think is interesting is that when Lonnie is trying to convince Steph over to his side he shows Steph someone she was incredibly close to in preboot and someone she was incredibly close to in the N52 living in his underground city and helping him.

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Derrick Chew has now drawn all the Batgirls

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Steph and Cass! Steph and Cass! Steph and Cass!

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I love the trope of a character saying they aren't going to do the thing and then it immediately cuts to them doing the thing

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That's one way to get your kid out of the house

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A bit extreme I guess that's to make a point that he has assassin memories in his head

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Nice to see that part of his personality never changes

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Getting therapists must be so hard in the DC universe since most of them turn out to be super villains DC really needs to show a competent therapist getting screen time a little more

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