

#다빈: DETOX 필요해

フォロー数:420 フォロワー数:883

“stopped searching for the moment when the world stopped for you”

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15 vs 19

15 yr old me would have been proud of our confidence now but she would start lecturing me on how I need to have a plan for the future

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Just here to share my art and maybe gain some staytist mutuals <333

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승민... '안녕 잘 가' 커버 좀 해주세요

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Kang Daniel : PARANOIA

Sooo good, I got hooked to his whole discography and I just... amazing

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Ashnikko : DEMIDEVIL

fav song: Cry (feat. Grimes)

apart from the fact that most of these went viral on tiktok, it deserves so much love. I fucking love this album

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