

If you pay, I'll draw. (c0mms open)
doc makes art.
he/him, trans, 26y
personal account @doktoroffline
website: offline-art.weebly.com

フォロー数:21 フォロワー数:33
# art

Ambidex Bear is one of those ocs i draw once a year. Experimented with the colorize tool on CSP for this one cause imma be honest, i couldnt remember what this bears colour palette was.

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reposting all my pokefusions in one post.

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pokemon fusions again. It's Dourai? Darkblade??

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more pokemon fusions, this time its Sylper! Or Wooveon or.. idk

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wald would absolutely shoot me if i didnt do work. help me.

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pokemon fusions are fun to make

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