

Comic creator, butch, probable real life vampire. She/her. ❤🧡💛

Read my webcomic!

💌avictorim (at) gmail (work queries only)

フォロー数:387 フォロワー数:3378

New artwork for members is live now~ I've been having lots of fun with color tests recently ; ) Featuring a slightly younger and less scarred Henry!

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If you're still looking, my full portfolio is at !

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"She drags her thumb along the tear in his hand, shockingly painless, and for the first time in weeks, in months, he feels… calm. Even when the burn against the roof of his mouth turns metal, like the copper taint of blood.

He swallows it."


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I'd love to do more TTRPG work, if you're still looking!✨

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Getting back to art, safely, at last✨ Here's a little painting study with Henry & Violet!

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New for Director's Cut today - Dean and Margot, reaching through a connection that should not exist, for something that cannot be had.

(gen/horror, 2k words) ❣️

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Happy Lesbian Week of Visibility! I'm lesbians 🌈💖

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A new story is live for Midnight Snack supporters! 1920s womanhood, 'tomboyishness', and baby butch haircuts ✂️✨ Links below!

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also just a reminder, Obelisk is still updating for Patrons & Kofi Members during the hiatus 💖

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