

illustration create & character design & Live2D modeling🎨 #Vtuber 🤍 VGen🟢vgen.co/dradra_tw commission→DM✉️orWebsite

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ステラ・ルナ( )様のキャラクターデザインを担当させて頂きました!とっても可愛いお顔にできたので、ぜひフォローよろしくお願い致します✨

I was in charge of character design for Stella Luna! I was able to make a very cute face, please follow me✨

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Here are some illustrations I drew this year✨💚

Starting in March, Skeb's commission fee will be raised to 15,000 yen.

If you want to commission an illustration, you can save money by commissioning it during this month!

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I am working on my new live2d model. It is a dragon inspired character with my favorite colors.🐉

I am always open to commissions for live2d models, so please DM me!✨

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