

25+ OCS/Fanart. Multifandom FFXIV/HSR/FGO. Virche spoilers. Absolutely insane about Lucas Proust. Developing angel/demon comic. Commissions Open

フォロー数:457 フォロワー数:576

Hey uh, dude you alright

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Some Illumi drawings. Cleaning the blood off his axe and what his human glamour looks like

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My obsession with giving characters wings has extended to Klarion

4 15

Quickly discovering while Beelzebub is possibly the only one in his group with a functioning braincell he's also kind of pathetic

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Got Beelzebub done who runs the oldest faction of demons loyal to Lucifer's cause and is extremely devoted. Kind of a cranky old bastard. Almost never leaves hell and will instantly materialize flies on your food to spite you

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I've been thinking about what if Fandaniel had become the endsinger

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Alex has little patience for people hunting her and she enjoys manipulating her dragonshifter shapeshifting to body horror levels to scare or fight them

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Integrating summer fae and my bee people into my one of my headworlds

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