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What I have for so far with my DND character Ava. Hopefully, I’ll get through this month

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I’m a simp for slicey arms... and for Judy.

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Day 26 of ocean/water. My students have been asking a lot about how to paint water, so it was nice to use it for myself. Also, whales are so freaky...

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Day 15 of magic. The first thing that came to mind was magical girls. 3 series that impacted me were Madoka, sailor moon, and nanoha. If you can spot the influences, kudos to you magical girl.

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Day 11 of elegant.
In high school I started practicing wushu and I’ve always thought the Jian was so beautiful. I ended up being more suited for the da dao, a 1 sided broad sword. I’m not too elegant haha

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Day 11 of rose. I’m not very good at designing elegant things, but here’s to challenge.

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