

Vore writer/Dragons/Cats/Self-learning Artist/Commissioner

🔞+ profile. Go play Xbox if you're too young. x3

フォロー数:716 フォロワー数:1500

What's it like to play with a giant big kitty? Well, I think it's pretty obvious from this perspective. ^///^

1 21

Just showing off my big maw. Come a little closer little one? No? Then I guess I'll just to make you. ^///^

3 18

I'm not that phat, okies?! I just nommed a lot of fish. >.<

2 27

Just some midnight snacks before I black out for the night. Catdragons gotta eat something out there.

6 46

Chub me because why not?

0 7

Mouse noms as usual. Same routine over and over again.

1 18

Feeling quite hungry for my small author. Hope he doesn't mind if I keep him in my tum for quite some time. I'm sure he doesn't mind if you join with him as well. He was just a midnight snack.

4 25

I am just a big white catdragon who loves eating cute Quilavas and Typhs on a daily basis. As well as many other prey that I can get my paws on. No worries, I don't really bite hard... much.

9 47

Every Quil, Typh, and human can climb up here willingly.

4 41