

Vore writer/Dragons/Cats/Self-learning Artist/Commissioner

🔞+ profile. Go play Xbox if you're too young. x3

フォロー数:716 フォロワー数:1500

“I’m surprised you are curious about my maw. Most people would scream in fear if they saw me in this state. But no worries, my little bunny. If you decide to hop in, I’ll be sure to not drink your blood and ensure your safety within me. My taste for you waits impatiently...”

1 18

Hey, just asking you all little ones, would you come over and give me a hug?

0 13

I've been playing with my little human last night. No worries, I'll be gentle with him. Promise. >;3

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And he is back for the month. Back for more helpless souls, devour the mortals, and drink the blood on the innocent. The bleakest and darkest catdragon -- Chocolate Silver is back for Halloween. Are you willing to challenge or accept your fate?

2 15

I like the feeling of revisiting to my other world and feast on helpless live prey ‘served.’ This was a really old one that I found.

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Don't forget about Chocolate's loyal servant/ belly pet in the castle. He's gonna have a good time with him. Believe me. ;3

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Looks like Chocolate Silver has got himself a wolf snack

0 21

I think this was good enough to convince people chus are preds. Note to self: Don’t let them grow big or it’s too late.

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