

Vore writer/Dragons/Cats/Self-learning Artist/Commissioner

🔞+ profile. Go play Xbox if you're too young. x3

フォロー数:716 フォロワー数:1500

Intimidating and having a Typhlosion for dinner. It'll be quite delicious.

1 10

It's hard to find a human crawl himself to my soft spot for the night. It's nice to have free breakfast.

0 8

Hey, if there are any other Riolus I can have for a midnight snack, could you let me know?

2 22

My brother would be happy to keep you company.

0 2

My current mood -- Unleashing my dragon form to devour helpless prey. :3

1 13

I think I know what my signature Smash character is now. Joker. Fight me, rawr!

0 6

I am not sorry. And I CHOOSE NOT to be! :3

0 4