Actually, Pandaria wishes you would go away.さんのプロフィール画像

Actually, Pandaria wishes you would go away.さんのイラストまとめ

Indie author. She/her. Pandaren main always. Banner image by @Belvane. Avatar by @CherRo_Art. I guess I have a tumblr again:

フォロー数:1540 フォロワー数:567

Now I really wish I hadn't given up the Gift of N'zoth.

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Thanks for the opportunity!

I've had this guy turned into a minotaur; I'd love to see him turned into a dragon.

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My draenei paladin with her panda warrior boyfriend, and my hunter with her husbands.

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I have questions.

(For those who can't tell what this is, it's an ore node floating out at the tip of a branch with no collision. Yes, I did try to land on the branch to mine it.)

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Why would blizzard do my Lorewalker tabard dirty like this?

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"Class silhouettes matter" they say, while wearing their wendigo woolies and introducing multiple sets of covenant cosmetics.

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Kind of how 90% of BfA does a fine job of demonstrating that Daelin Proudmoore was right, while at the same time absolving Jaina of the choice to let her father die.

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