anyssa ✨さんのプロフィール画像

anyssa ✨さんのイラストまとめ

I draw I guess. She/her. 33. 🇧🇷 ENG/BR. ✨OM! ToG OCs and more. NSFW sometimes.

antiomnia on tumblr

フォロー数:331 フォロワー数:7383

First art of the year had to be him because look at his face ><

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Some details ~
Our prompt was Fire/Leaves. I partnered with , read the companion fic "Silverleaf and Hyacinth" here 🥹🤍

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I got in the and this is my gift!! 😚💖💕💝

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Divaaaaaaaa!!! Happy birthday! Hope you had a lovely day, and a year full of happiness ahead of you! I also hope you dream of Lucifer and Asmo and Zhongli and all of you boyes 💖💗💕😍

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OHH you're right, one of my favorites too!! I wasn't ready for that 😳

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