

Drawing Funny is an MSCA podcast where we talk toons with some very sketchy characters in the comics industry and fandom. Stay tooned!✏️

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Want to meet local cartoonists? Want some pizza? Then join the this Tuesday/7pm as we return to in-person monthly dinner meetings. We’re celebrating our 35th anniversary. We’ll have some freebie swag, but bring a few $ to order 🍕.

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Ep36–“Business As Usual"
This episode fellow  members Kevin L. Williams, Greg Cravens & I pay respect & share stories about our friend & cartoonist Sam Ray who passed away in December, 2021. Also have info on art show.


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New - Ep 35: “The Dragon Templar”🔥🐉 member has released a new ongoing w/ local writer 1st issue is available   ✏️📚


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This is the scene in the trailers that got me most excited to see the film. So glad got the call to play doctor with Rooker. Also happy to see the “Get DC Comics...” shout out on this movie poster. Wish more movies would promote the source material more.

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is a live-action episodic video series & a comic book series (created in that order). The stories are about a universe of superpowered females in a fantastical version of


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Talkin’ toons w/ - You may know him as the Earth’s Mightiest Mortal’s mug in paintings but find out more about “Uncle Sal” the writer/artist/artist rep & his “The Hostage” graphic novel Kickstarter campaign. F-bombs away! 🎧

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New episode- this time I talk toons, conventions, Covid, markers, masks & more with out in AZ.✏️🎧🎤


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