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There is always enough to share! #doodle #applepieforall #sharingiscaring #letseat
Look who else loves apple pie! #vonntrappisback #doodle #monkeylovespietoo #timetoshare
Saying goodbye is hard to do. #doodle #ducksflysouth #lonelyfish #autumnishere
Lots of hope on this first day of school! #doodle #summerisofficiallyover #itsgoingtobeagoodday
There is till time for you to take one last swim! #doodle #LastDaysOfSummer #LaborDayWeekend
Thank you sun for coming up each morning.#doodle #herecomesthesun #itsanewday
Something cool to think about as we start the week. #carlsaganiscool #doodle #snailadvice #itsmondayagain