

I draw cars, and prefer the “delightfully adequate” category thereof - DM for commissions!

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A Series IIIA Hillman Minx, location unknown. Based off a photo from the fantastic 0s70s page via IG - possibly Wales (on account of the “Snowdon Café” sign)?

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You may be cool, but you’ll never be “leaning on a Citroën door while eating an ice-cream cone and smoking in the Alps” cool. From a family snap of (also shown - the original)

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Start your week with the inimitable Fiat Panda 4x4 Sisley

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Four cars, five wipers. Citroën range, late 1991-early 1992: XM, BX GTi 16v, ZX Aura and AX GTi.

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We all know what this is…

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Nineteen Eighty Five - how many cars can you identify…and can you spot the “Continental Interloper”…?

Based on a photo taken from the top of Clifford’s Tower in York. The car park is still there today.

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