

shuuzaar | FFXIV twitter | Rhithin @ Chaos DC | main @Shuuzaar | icon by @sm_roii

フォロー数:156 フォロワー数:5105

they are made to be a mix of wholesome/friendly and unnerving, even in FFXIV

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on most of their designs, they also have intricate tattoos and some scares reflecting some of these aspects and the various things they've done to themself to accomplish their goals. In each universe, they face dissociation with their own body and try to feel whole again

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something i dont really have the occasion to explore with FFXIV is the more gruesome part of their core design (and i should actually, their RPR shroud is the closest thing to this visual so far)

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comparing summer pics... tiddy out and minions

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nothing unleashes me like the useless differencies gear pieces have between models, i

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got it on Thabia too! the color scheme is really good for him...

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the real tragedy for me will always be this

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welcome back!! just leaving this here (but only if you feel like it!)

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