Mark Bird (DreamBeastPoems) The Klangaroo Out Now!さんのプロフィール画像

Mark Bird (DreamBeastPoems) The Klangaroo Out Now!さんのイラストまとめ

Mark Bird
Children's Poet | Teacher | Art Lead | Dreambeast

📕The Klangaroo 🦘Out Now...

フォロー数:1289 フォロワー数:1376

Hi there, I have only just discovered your magazine. It looks brilliant. Are you still interested in interviewing authors with books coming out? This is mine - out at the end of summer ready for Halloween, published by illustrated by

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Just be yourself! You were blessed with your very own birthday-suit. How lucky we are. This suit always fits, is never too tight and conceals our beating, wonder-dreams between its invisible seams

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