

Shadow the Hedgehog will be my first Sonic game
Twitch Partner, currently streaming Unlimited SaGa (PS2): twitch.tv/dreamboum
Art by: @SuperChronodia

フォロー数:1267 フォロワー数:12408

Ever since Star Ocean 3 their trademark is freaky faces, the only one being the least freaky ended up being Resonance of Fate

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The character designs in Star Ocean 6 is so much better than what we had in past entries

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I've become the ultimate lifeform

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A new Shadows of the Damned game is also a possibility now as they own the rights to the IP and its characters.

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I'd have been a cute orc and I would have made a hole I'd never crawl back out

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Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together is 26 years old! My favorite Strategy RPG ever made for me!

Here are the two box arts for its SNES release and PSP Remake, both drawn by Akihiko Yoshida. He went on to become the mainstay character designer of Yasumi Matsuno's work (FFT, FF12)

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Lenneth Valkyrie from Valkyrie Profile drawn by Yuya Nagai, known for his work on NieR Automata

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If Isla KOF15 was the character presented as the future of SF6 rather than the umpteenth blonde blue-eyed character, I'd actually be excited about SF right now

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Could you imagine a Tactics Ogre remaster? Seeing Ozma again in glorious HD??? My heart 🥺

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The art of The Silver Case series is what really set it apart.

Takashi Miyamoto's work displayed here really gave life to the characters of this visual novel, displaying the demons they face in this dystopian world, unable to leave the past behind

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