

cartoonist pediatrician fascinated by complex care for kids, medical and patient education and communication. you know, the usual. Need toons? message me.

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The scariest campfire stories in 2026? That one about the girl and

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Feeling overwhelmed or a little bit sad with the relentlessness of life during a pandemic? Bring a kid to your next outing. They have a way of livening things up.

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Reading about the in got me to thinking....
Anyone else thinking of hibernating?


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Will the enduring influence of and the use of allow us to streamline and clarify communication in

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My first entering the room of a known patient was a moment. It felt like walking towards a known radioactive area.The danger unseen but all around you.Then muscle memory of engaging a patient kicked in-soon it’d become part of what one does in medicine; we care & we do.

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No joke. There is a Personal Protective Equipment shortage, incl masks.
This is yet another reason for folks to STAY AWAY from the ER unless seriously ill (80% + of folks will have mild disease).Coming in now for poses unnecessary strain on scarce resources.

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