𝘥𝘳𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳 ☀️気象予報士・防災士☀️さんのプロフィール画像

𝘥𝘳𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳 ☀️気象予報士・防災士☀️さんのイラストまとめ

気象予報士・防災士/日本気象予報士会 埼玉支部/取得済▶︎AWS SAA(C-03)/英検1級/TOEIC 970/英単語検定1級/歴史能力検定2級/国内旅行業務取扱管理者/情報処理技術者(二種,SG,IP) /その他IT系資格多数保有

フォロー数:332 フォロワー数:2670


0 7

2022.3.24 M96

You could look at it this way.
You’ve never liked the job, so now you have the chance to fulfill your dream to be a chef.

0 19

2022.3.14 M89

I’ll go along with Felicia on that.

I agree to their plan.
I agree with you.

I think so, too.
I feel the same way.

0 18

2022.3.10 M88

The point I was trying to make ◽️ is that we can’t play forever.

Let me make myself perfectly clear.
In short/In a nutshell

0 15

2022.3.9 M87

What I meant was it’s the most natural look for you.

I “did not say” the deal was in the bag.
“what I DID say” was that we must negotiate hard.

0 16

2022.3.8 M86

So, you’re saying that I have to do all that, right?
➡︎are you saying と疑問形でもよい

If I understand you correctly, 〜

0 23

2022.3.7 M85

Could you be more specific?

Could you elaborate on that?
Could you expand on that?

0 17

2022.3.3 M84

Could you explain that in a little more detail?

What exactly are you saying?
What are you trying to say?
➡︎文の後にI’m afraid を付加すると相手への負担を軽減できる

0 19

2022.3.2 M83

She’s always so positive and happy.
What makes her so confident?

Why is that?
How come?
How is that possible?

0 22


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