kiki ✩さんのプロフィール画像

kiki ✩さんのイラストまとめ

mostly inactive here now. you can still find me over on @terashards !

フォロー数:553 フォロワー数:2425

hi i'm kiki!! i'm an autistic furry artist who occasionally draws anime (shhh) and i'm 20, nonbinary, and a huge fuckin lesbian. i love pokemon so much and no i will not shut up about it. also vocaloid and sparkledogs have my life

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and you won't, either.

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very quick sketch attack on bc i like the character. i did not realize we were friendly fire until i was uploading bc i am sleepy as hell

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at this rate ayano should start using her own account again to post her own art lmaooo. it's funny how differently we sketch despite, you know, Sharing A Body

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i was struggling to draw, spaced out, and when i came back my alter had drawn this. thanks ayano

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ok one last thing: i started drawing people like idk a year or two ago and it's 100% because my gf has such good People Art i wanted to be like her LMFAO gdsfhdsouijoi

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i made this back in the beginning of april for @/florademon and @/MlENUMON. squad
i should really draw more people because it's fun but i never do for some reason AAA

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i feel selfish for asking but i could use the encouragement rn ;;

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this is my icon on discord and i can't stop thinking about it

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jsyk they're like. around the same size. arceus tiny now

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