

not so casual story enjoyer

フォロー数:189 フォロワー数:132
# kubera

Interesting observation, I should definitely keep that in mind

0 8

You're such a damn fool, Kinnara

0 6

Yesssss, this is literally one of the best things Gandharva has ever done!!! Let's fucking go💜

0 7

Menaka's reaction though…

0 8

He doesn't remember her anymore… Well, that hurt a little

0 7

Yeah, I thought the soul wouldn't belong to Saha like that wouldn't be the answer but damn, I didn't expect the soul to belong to Airavata at all. Also, what a mood

0 7

Omg, is Leny… That's why Gandharva found Airavata familiar even though he's never seen her🤯 Please currygom, do not let Leny die, I don't want Shess to lose her again

0 7

You little piece of shit, you couldn't be stronger than her on your own so you resorted to a dirty trick like that

0 8

Oh, I'm finally meeting Kinnara and they immediately show what kind of a person they are with the way they talk to Airavata. Plus, when you add that one Shess panel, it's as clear as day that Kinnara is a piece of garbage

0 8

Only the Vritra clan, huh? I feel so bad for Airavata because we know at this point that Kinnara has definitely helped the gods and considering they're pretty favored by the gods…

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