

not so casual story enjoyer

フォロー数:189 フォロワー数:134
# kubera

Ooh, that was so freaking cool! Also, even though I was so ready for Ran to intervene, I'm glad that Rao stopped him

0 7

Yeah Ran isn't going anywhere. I'm already seeing the marks, he must be mad af bc even I'm furious rn

0 8

Oh hell no, you gotta be kidding me‼ I'm mistaken, right? That's not Chandra whom I know played a part in killing Yaksha giving his bone to the royal family, right? I'm so freaking angry

0 10

Damn Kroha is strong but unfortunately he's talking to a brick wall

0 8

Ohh he's only sending Ran. That might be for the best tho, both Rana and these people here require their help

0 8

Oh shit, the dragons are no joke

0 7

I should've seen this coming. This explains so much about his actions and actually he does resemble the 16th Daksha now that I think about it

0 8

Do not even try to twist his words

0 8

Oh are they gonna go through the channels while there's a commotion? Parr's seen them but I trust that she won't say a word

0 8