

not so casual story enjoyer

フォロー数:189 フォロワー数:134
# kubera

I wonder if she is holding out more bc she gave the name "Kinnara" away🤔🤔

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Ooh, what are these wolf-like creatures(?) that Yama is controlling👀

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Ngl, even I feel a lil nervous

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Wait my boy, maybe he would understand

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Since she still went by Airavata in the future, I assume they failed to seize that name but this is gonna be an interesting fight irregardless👀

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What if Garuda indeed does have other business to attend to. I mean based on both Vinata's and Akasha's reactions, it's clear that Kinnara is onto something but I just think it'd be funny if that were the case😅

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Oh shit, this was an ambush!!

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Oof, hitting her with the cold harsh truth

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Oh, I just realized… she might be actually believing that

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I hate Kinnara's guts but she's not wrong that this is exactly what the gods are doing

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