

not so casual story enjoyer

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# kubera

I still think this is a horrible idea

0 8

Holy crap, Yama!! Also, this might be a good time to mention that Yama is one of my favorite characters despite his relatively short amount of screentime💚

0 7

Fuck you, you piece of garbage‼ That wasn't Yama's fault and how dare you use his guilt against him like that and say something so vile🤬🤬

0 6

While I do at least understand Chandra and Vayu's points (the rest of them and their shitty opinions can just…), I'm with Yama. Ananta doesn't deserve this

0 7

Haha yeah, Nastikas are naturally evil and Astikas are naturally good😃🙃 Yeah, that's totally definitely true😃 I feel so bad for Yama rn

0 8

Oh man, that sucks. Yama must be incredibly bothered by this😔😔

0 8

Uhm, no offense but I think this might be one of the most terrible ideas I've heard recently

0 7

Oh sweetie… I think Kinnara used her but who knows maybe she really did earn her loyalty

0 7