

Moved on.

@ dudlik.co / dudlik / markdudlik on other things.

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Starting tomorrow, Dud & Co is doing a makers month challenge. Just try and craft something every day in October. Can be a doodle, or a few stitches in an embroidery, whatever you want. Mostly just a fun excuse to make stuff. We hope you'll join in!

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Next week, we're back with discord First Fridays and even more Taskmaster! https://t.co/EwrgBBp56q to join in.

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Going to do a later stream on Thursday and put together a special Lego bonsai set! 6pm est.

(And to answer your question: Yes, this graphic is completely unnecessary overkill. I just like making them.)

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I always try & make streams this big event, then get anxious about going live until everything is ready. But at this point, I'd end up delaying for months. So, I'm just doing a regular low-effort stream again this Saturday. Nothing special at all!
(I still made a graphic though.)

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Got a move-in date of early July! I'm going to have to be packing & getting things ready, as well as wrapping up the contract job. I'm going to cut back to just Saturday streams until then. And then off the first week or two in July setting up the new space.

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Going to save more pottery for maybe a longer stream Saturday. Tonight I wanna try out a few nice cozy games I've had in the back catalog, including one I just got a key for that came out yesterday, Forgotten Fields. See you at 5est?

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I’d never do that to you guys.

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It's still snowing. Some idiot plowed over a power line or something, so power/internet have been going in and out. Twitch is being weird for people too. I'ma call it early today on no stream. Thursday for flowers or frog, who knows!

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